DATE: 21st February 2011
VENUE: spastic centre, selangor & wilayah persekutuan
PERSONS INVOVLED: Occupational Therapy 1st year student
banyak pengalaman n ilmu dapat kami timba..
ini lah pertama kali aku dapat mengenali insan seperti mereka dengan lebih rapat.
sebelum ini pernah jumpa, tapi setakat jumpa-jumpa macam tu je...
tak berkesempatan untuk bertegur sapa...
apa itu kanak-kanak spastik????
sebenarnya kanak-kanak spastik ni adalah mereka yang mengalami cerebral palsy.
cerebral palsy la pulak...apa benda pulak tu???? hehe
cerebral palsy is a disorder of movement, posture, which usually appear in the early of life.
It is due to the damage or failure to develop normally in a small part of brain controlling these activities.
spastic centre that we went is a very good example of non-government organization which help the spastic people a lot. As we know, many people seems dont care or simply ignore for these group of people. We as the occupational therapist, physiotherapist, and speech therapist especially play an important role to help them. for occupational therapist especially, we train them and our objectives is to maximize their independent eventhough there are having disabilities via purposeful activity. We will train them for fine motor movement(eg: for holding/grasping a pen/pencil), to sterghten their muscle and a lot!!!
here is some photo that i can share. Maybe you can more understand with it..enjoy it! :))
aim: to strengten their muscle and bone before they can walk. but it is a possibility for them to walk. not all can walk even they have done this activity
one of the child is tighten coz he is too floppy. In order to prevent him from fall so we need to tight him to the special chair provided.
which is bought by his mom...
Not all are affordable to have these wheelchair coz it is expensive. He is 20 years old :))
cool!! coz i oso donno how to do that.. T.T
new challenge for me...i need to learn these cross stitch stuffs during semester break!!!
(tools need to be add on in your tools bag wahidah!) :))
p/s: this is some info that i can share...if anything, u can just ask me or find it by yourself through the Mr spiderman (the 'web', internet!) hehe :))
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