***Entri yang sudah sangat lama terbengkalai. Baru datang mood nak sambung taip habiskan entri ni. Sorry guys for delayed update. Cewaah perasan macam ramai readers pulak! Jemput baca kalau sudi. =P
Its my practical day for orientation and mobility subject! So, our task for today is go to 1 Malaysia restaurant at Medan Tuanku and eat with blindfolded. I repeat blindfolded. The journey start from our campus which is located near to Chow Kit monorail station. Take monorail from chow kit to medan tuanku. Everything is done by ourself with assisted from the sighted guide. The sighted guide only assist on the pathway direction. Other than that, all by yourself. Go up using the escalator by yourself, buy the token by yourself, order menu by yourself and of course eat by yourself. Actually, its really exciting!
Sangat penat. Serius. Sangat penat sampai sakit-sakit bahu sebab lama ngendong beg. Pengalaman bertambah menarik bila dalam perjalanan pulang tu hujan turun dengan lebatnya. Waaaa, da macam dalam cite hindustan plak rasa. Kya kaaro haaei, kuch kuch hota heyyy.. =P
Ia memang pengalaman yang sangat berharga. Masa makan tu, rasa kurang best sangat la. Sebab kita dah biasa makan nampak kan. Sekarang ni mata kena tutup pulak. So, nikmat makan tu rasa macam kurang sket. Tak percaya? Cuba korang makan sambil mata ditutup. Dari mula makan sampai habis okayhh. Jangan separuh makan dah bukak mata plak.
Soo..., below are few of our photos.
Masa nak pergi tak sempat tangkap gambar sangat coz
i am the one who became the blind person
Restoran Rakyat 1 Malaysia
Kedai ini memang sentiasa ramai orang.
Bukti hujan lebat petang tu. Chow Kit --> banjir
Compilation of some pictures.
Ada tercampur dengan gambar masa latihan escalator.
Chow Kit monorail
The flower.
Plus, here are also pictures for escalator training before we went for outdoor practical.
On the way to LRT Kg Baru.
Ok, dia memang gila camwhore. Hehe
The man.
They look sooo happy!
Bendera itu tiada kena-mengena dalam ini kisah.
Here we are!!!
The gateway.
Up up with the escalator. Off we go!!!
Sebelum balik. Pekena pisang goreng sket.
Tajaan diri masing-masing.
Conclusion: Blind or low vision people is actually can travel anywhere. They just need to know how. Appreciate and be thankful to what you have right now.
@ cahaya.yang.satu @
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